• Helicopter crash caught on live TV, pilot remarkably survives

    A terrifying helicopter crash was caught on live TV in New Zealand and luckily the pilot walked away almost unscathed. Greg Gibbler, a pilot of 20 years, was putting a Christmas tree on top of a seven story building when things went catastrophically wrong. Raising the Telecom Christmas Tree...
  • Cat speaks in tongues

    Not being one for animal videos on Youtube, I usually give them a miss. But something inside told me this was worth seeing or more appropriately hearing. At first you don’t want to believe the cat is making these weird sounds which really do sound like something speaking in...
  • Toddlers destroy house with flour

    Some people think it’s staged, but I’m sorry, if you’ve ever tried to clean flour off your floors or clothes you know that no body in their sane mind would purposely let their kids go to town with a five pound bag of flour. You just would not. Even...
  • Women texts from wedding altar

    Weddings are magical. For the bride especially, your wedding day is the biggest day of your life. So of course you have to text about it. Even if you’re at the altar. You can still be classy as you pull your celly from the bodice of your dress. Paying...
  • Meanwhile in Iran… Two soccer players face the lash after overly affectionate victory celebration

    Two Iranian soccer players are facing up to 74 lashes after their celebratory behavior ran afoul of the Islamic nation’s notoriously conservative sensibilities. From The Age: Members of parliament, sports officials and judges have called for the “swift punishment” of Mohammad Nosrati and Sheys Rezaei, two football stars who...
  • Brazilian police take out a taxiing plane [video]

    This video, which shows a pair of Brazilian police officers knocking out a smuggler’s airplane with their car (while one cop aims an assault rifle through a window) reveals just how old and busted our staple of police reality shows has become. It might not have been the safest...
  • Florida state trooper arrests a Miami police office for driving over 190km/h

    A Florida state trooper chases a Miami police officer for over 4 minutes at speeds in excess of 190km/h (120MPH) while driving a Miami police car. As can be seen in the video above, the Miami police officer is apologizing immediately after being caught but the Florida trooper claims,...
  • Flight aborted after taped window fails

    Yes, you’ve read that right, an Irish airline called RyanAir was forced to abort a flight from Essex to a place called Latvia, because the cockpit window, also known as a windshield or windscreen, was a botched-up repair, apparently, with tape. The IAA reports that the tape was used...
  • Obama Fried Chicken new menu item for KFC in China

    Using an Obama look a like, the ads play on the US President’s campaign promise for “change” to play on the idea that people want a new chicken sandwich. Some might call it racist, others might say a fun play on a political message. At the end of the...