• How to spend less time doing jobs that suck [video]

    The video that you see above is actually a collection of a lot of other shorter videos – time saving tips from around the Internets. If you have ever wondered how to cool a soda (or better yet beer) to a pleasant level of coldness in just two minutes,...
  • Balancing pig, a two-legged model of porcine determination [video]

    The owner of the pig that you see in the image to your left calls her Zhu Janqiang (strong-willed) – a look at the video below explains why. Had Wang Xihai let nature take its course with his little piglet, her missing hind legs might have been a death...
  • Jeopardy champions no match for IBM’s Watson [video]

    So how do you think a couple of sharp human minds would stack up against IBM’s Watson in a game of Jeopardy? Former Jeopardy champions Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter find out when they taste bitter defeat in this rather one-sided three-minute practice session. To be fair, Ken scores...
  • Russian motorcyclist tempts fate and Darwin

    A Russian motorcyclist who goes by the name of “Black Devil of Moscow” has filmed himself riding terrorizing Moscow commuters atop a lightning fast Yamaha R1. Watching Black Devil’s crazy antics in conditions that are not meant for them gives one a a sense that, although it all worked...
  • If all movie characters had the Internet… movies would be a lot less exciting [video]

    See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. If Movies Characters Had the Internet is a short skit by the good folks at College Humor that hypothesizes what impact the Internet, as a plot device, might have in some of the most popular movies of our time. Long...
  • Amateur promotes NASA better than NASA promote themselves [The Frontier is Everywhere]

    If you don’t think NASA needs any promotion, consider the options that are open to a person that meets the physical and intellectual requirements; then consider what NASA pays… then consider what said person’s salary and benefits might be like if he or she were to enter the corporate...
  • Alternate Return of the Jedi ending is grittier and more satisfying

    I know I will offend a bunch of people when I say this, but the seeds for The Phantom Menace were planted in Return of the Jedi. Too cute, too happy – where was the hard edge that we saw in the earlier episodes? The short answer to that...
  • Why can’t humans walk in a straight line

    When it comes down to it, we humans really are a flawed species. Sure, we’ve got our thumbs – but take away our visual points of reference and we don’t all morph into Zatoichi, we just wander around in progressively smaller circles until we bump into a tree. This...
  • The see through car factory

    Many car makers make many claims, but few would invite the public into the factory to see first hand what they do. In fact, few would welcome prospective buyers onto the factory floor to help build their future car. Not so VW in Dresden, Germany. This video is worth...