
  • pippa

    Of vandalized cars and derriere appreciation

    A man in Birmingham found himself caught on camera as he drove a Peugeot 206 through the city sporting the message “IS PIPPA’S BUM STILL BETTER THAN MINE???” scrawled in while spray paint across the passenger side. There are no specific details beyond the candid photo, one can only...
  • Wrestler stink-fingers opponent, gets charged with sexual battery

    A 17-year-old wrestler from Fresno County is facing a charge of sexual battery after he employed an unsavory yet widely used technique in a match against a 14-year-old. The move in question is called a “butt drag” and it involves grabbing your opponent by the buttock and sticking fingers...
  • Weed in keister is mine said man, but crack in crack is not

    Manatee County Deputies that stopped 25-year-old Raymond Stanley Roberts said that they became suspicious when they noticed that he smelled strongly of cannabis – and that their suspicions were confirmed when their search led them to between his buttocks. A quick-thinking Roberts then allegedly told police: The white stuff...