If you ever needed proof that we are lost in a sea of pointless rules designed to make traveling (and indeed life in general) more difficult than it ever needed to be, this is it. The eminent minds at TSA saw fit to confiscate an armed soldier’s nail clippers...
A pregnant Israeli woman was reportedly left with severe burns after a Cesarean operation went really, really wrong. The incident, which occurred at the Sheba Medical Centre in Tel HaShomer in 2008, was discovered during an investigation by Israel’s ministry of health. The patient was swabbed with an alcohol...
When a police chopper started to get on his nerves, a 58-year-old Floridan decided to do something about it and shone a bright green laser light into the cockpit that temporarily blinded the pilot and rendered his night vision equipment inoperable. The pilot, Greg Love, who was searching for...
If police reports are to be believed then 18-year-old Robert Rupp is not a smart man. The Florida teen was arrested for burglary because he decided to log in to his MySpace account at the scene of a crime. It was not so much the logging in that got...
An Austrian boy suffered serious burns when a Halloween prank went badly wrong. The 13-year-old and a 10-year-old friend reportedly poured gasoline on a plastic slide at a playground in Kraubath, Styria and set it alight. Then things veered scarily off course. When the fire threatened to spread, and...
The arrest of 19-year-old Matthew Nieveen for second-offense driving under the influence might have been unremarkable – were it not for his choice of Halloween costume. According to the police report, the young man was pulled over in a 1992 Ford F150 as he drove north on 33rd Street...
If you want to enjoy a long and successful life of crime then you might want to think twice about getting a distinctive facial tattoo. Apparently Joseph Eric Williams liked the idea of tattooing his forehead with the words “I’m Me”. The 19-year-old has been stealing iPhones in South...
While we probably shouldn’t laugh, seeing as the guy was just doing his job and there was several thousand dollars worth of photography gear involved, I think that I will anyway. I’d say that the only thing that got physically hurt was his ego, but I’m guessing that his...
Kent, United Kingdom: British police in called to the home of 66-year-old Antoine Denis by worried neighbors apparently had other things on their mind than the dead guy slumped on his back in the bedroom. Presumably, they chalked the up to natural causes – because the undertakers called the...