Prison authorities at the federal prison in Florence, Colorado have uncovered what just may be the grossest and stupidest heroin smuggling plot of all time. Over the summer, 56-year-old Donald Denney and his son of the same name planned an elaborate system that would allow them to bring heroin...
Guenther Hart managed to kill the party at Munich’s Americanos club when he urinated on an electrical outlet. Fortunately for 27-year-old Guenther, his urine short-circuited the electrics and not his penis. He was escorted out of the club by bouncers but was unable to explain why he did what...
I’m no criminal mastermind or anything, so would-be criminals can take my advice with a pinch of salt – but I will say this: if you are going to rob a bank, don’t do what this guy allegedly did. Ryan Homsley got himself picked up by the FBI after...
According to police sources a 34-year-old Wyoming man tried to cover himself with paint to in a bid to avoid being tased… Unfortunately for him, it didn’t work. Cheyenne police say that on September 16 they responded to a domestic violence report at the home of Brian Mattert. When...
When James Gordon Watson’s prized pot plant was stolen, he did the one thing that no self-respecting cultivator of illicit substances should never do – he told the police… the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to be exact. So how did that turn out for him? Well, to start things...
The guy that you see in the picture above is sitting atop one of the fastest production bikes on the planet, which is a risky enough thing to do in and of itself… even when wearing appropriate footwear. ...
A 40-year-old TriMet bus driver in Portland, Oregon is on administrative leave after a passenger filmed him reading a Kindle while he was driving. The passenger in question – who wishes to remain anonymous – decided to start filming when saw the driver, Lahcen Qouchbane, reach into his bag,...
Want to know how to score yourself a lifetime ban from the United States? Luke Angel could tell you. About a month ago the 17-year-old got drunk and high then fired off an angry email at America’s 44th president. The precise nature of the email is unclear, what is...
It seems that the folks at the university where Ohio councilman Phil Davison earned his Masters degree in communication forgot to tell him that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. What I found most amusing by this Gibson-esque rant was that Davison wasn’t spitting venom at...