
  • New Fad Of Breastfeeding Photos Not New, Started 200 Years Ago

    Think the new fad of moms getting professional pictures taken while they’re breastfeeding is just 21st century feminism at it’s best, think again. It’s actually started roughly 200 years ago, back in the Victorian Era. According to Jill Lepore, author of The Mansion of Happiness, during the mid 1800’s...
  • Australia Is Home To World’s Oldest Fossils

    Turns out the world’s oldest fossils are even older after a research team found stromatolites roughly 3.49 billion years old in Western Australia. This is roughly a billion years after scientists say the Earth was formed. Stromatolites can live in a variety of environments including underwater and on the...
  • Cookbooks with recipes for unicorn found at the British Library

    Roast unicorn anyone? It seems this may have been a popular dish in medieval England. Long-lost medieval cookbooks have been located at the British Library. Inside are beautiful pictures showing the head of a unicorn being served on a platter, a full unicorn bring turned on a spit, and...
  • The strangest coincidence ever recorded? [video]

    This video comes to us by way of submitter Jeff Hix, and describes an unlikely series of events that occurred along the Menai straight off the coast of Wales over the course of 175 years. It is well written, well narrated and is totally worth two-and-a-half minutes of your...
  • Apollo astronauts used memorabilia as life insurance

    Being an astronaut has always been a risky occupation, but there was a lot more that could go wrong back in the days that they rode rockets into space. It was dangerous enough for life insurance providers deny astronauts coverage – which meant that NASA had to find another...