
  • Young woman gets painful lesson on dangers of texting and walking [video]

    First of all, let me point out that I have nothing but sympathy for the young woman involved in this painful-looking accident. The time that it takes for her to start to get up could indicate that she was really hurt. Hopefully she was left with a painful lesson,...
  • A phone with a most unfortunate name [Poop Love]

    I’m not sure if this is the “Poop Love” or the “Love Poop” either way you’d think whomever was responsible would have Googled the name, it could have saved them and any future customers from a whole lot of embarrassment....
  • Man gets arm stuck trying to fish phone from toilet

    The man in this video got himself into a spot of bother when he accidentally dropped his phone in his toilet. I imagine that in most instances it would just fall to the bottom of the bowl from where (depending on how the toilet was – it could theoretically...
  • Dirty Text Message Sparks Tribal Violence

    A “pornographic” text message sent from a young man to a woman led to tribal violence that left two dead in Papua New Guinea’s southern highlands. According to Australia’s ABC, the message was sent by a young male member of the Tapo clan to a young female member of...