A Romanian Woman Did Not Rip Off Her Husband’s Left…
Boy amputates own finger to protest accusation of smartphone addiction
Priest Does Cocaine in Nazi Room
Boy amputates own finger to protest accusation of smartphone addiction
Priest Does Cocaine in Nazi Room
Woman burns down apartment after 50-year-old son fails to clean…
Here we go again
Blind Man Drop $20, Lady Picks It Up, Store Manager…
Soldier Watches Over FaceTime As Pregnant Wife Is Stabbed
Priest Does Cocaine in Nazi Room
Blind Man Drop $20, Lady Picks It Up, Store Manager…
Dad And Kids Cover Depeche Mode Is Best. Thing. Ever.
Baby LED Costume Best. Costume. Ever.
Marriage Proposal From Top Of A Bus Goes Viral
Dragon Seen Flying Over England… Real Or Fake?
Science & Tech
India sends unmanned orbiter to Mars
Lego-Man Travels To Space And Brings Back Photos And Videos
Is the Earth heading for (another) little ice-age?
66-Year Old Man Discovers He’s Actually A Woman
Chinese man shows illegal porn on giant outdoors screen
Man Sues Apple For Not Protecting Him From Porn
The Biz
Justin Bieber adds prostitutes to entourage, gets expelled from Rio…
Michael Douglas’ claim to have caught cancer from cunnilingus refuted…
Rocker Tommy Lee Jones Asks Calgary Stampede To Stop Stampede
Germany’s Next Top Model Contestants Infected With Head Lice
Bassist’s Craigslist Ad Could Be Funniest Ever, Goes Viral
Photographer Uses Scotch Tape, Makes Unique Portraits
And now for their latest trick, Americans bring us children’s…
The scariest cake that you will see all day [albino…
NYC vibrator giveaway shut-down by city officials
Ugliest dog in Britain, Mugly, wins world ugliest dog
Adidas pulls JS Roundhouse Mids after failed Facebook campaign
One-percenter might have just had the world’s most expensive single…
Surfer Tackles 100FT Wave, Could Be New World Record
British F1 Grand Prix’s exploding tires
Mom And Son Kicked Out Because She Wouldn’t Take Shelter…
Group Of 30 Skiiers Do Back Flip At Same Time,…
Man Surfs 100 Foot Wave, World Record Being Verified
Do NFL players use Viagra to boost their performance?
Random Absurdity
Russian readers argue over poetry versus prose, murder wins
Intruder Shot After Breaking Into Home Screaming About Zombies
Naked Man Waving Lettuce Arrested After Crashing Wedding
Baby LED Costume Best. Costume. Ever.
Britney Spears Music Used To Fight Pirates
Viral Music Video Possibly Strangest Thing Ever
Extra Charge To Cremate Fat People In U.K. Town
Sex Cereal Available Now In Canada
Man Builds Train In Basement, Goes Nowhere
Impress Your Friends with the Voice Activated Popinator
Hands-free unbrellas now available
Chinese toilet maker turns unused toilets into desks for kids
teens will do anything
Condom Snorting Trend Now A YouTube Video Trend
NJ Sullivan
April 23, 2013
I remember when I was a teen. Back in the good ol’ days when we didn’t have the internet or YouTube and we tried a few silly things like snorting a piece of string to see if we could pull it out our mouth. It was a one shot...
Latest News
A Romanian Woman Did Not Rip Off Her Husband’s Left Testicle But She Did Tear Open His Scrotum
Boy amputates own finger to protest accusation of smartphone addiction
Priest Does Cocaine in Nazi Room
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