Tiger Blood (TM) will only take you so far.

Charlie Sheen’s one man show is not looking like it’s “Winning”.

In fact, if things continue the way they are going, they will probably be losing money. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always liked Charlie Sheen, when we were teenagers and going to the movies was still affordable, we went to see his flicks regularly, No Man’s Land (my favorite Sheen movie), Young Guns where his character dies within moments of the beginning, Hot Shots and the sequels, I even saw that horrible movie he made with Emilio Estevez.

His sitcom was pretty good too, except that lately it started being redundant and honestly, in the last 2-3 seasons I started hating Duckie’s character Alan Harper. Frankly, after seeing Jon Cryer in an interview, I doubt he will have much success playing anyone else, for he seems to actually be Alan Harper, much in the same sad way Charlie Sheen, is Charlie Harper and Nathan Fillion is Captain Reynolds and Rick Castle (really, it’s the same guy, I swear!)

It saddens me that someone with that much talent as an actor, and as much probable money and influence as Charlie Sheen has, doesn’t see the difference between being a fantastic actor, and a mediocre (or in his case terrible) writer. His one man show depicts the fact that no matter how popular you are, people will not appreciate spending 185$ to see you deploy some terrible tag lines, for two hours. In fact I’d love to see Lady Gaga try. It would bring me comfort.

Charlie Sheen would have been a terrific stand up comedian for a one man show, had he decided to have an actual comedian write his show for him. It’s not for everyone to fill two hours up with material, and be entertaining at the same time. Just ask Michael Richards.

The Biz

Limited production music, fiction and comedy. Actually, very limited. To follow on Twitter: Child of Glass
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