Please contact the Seattle P.D. if you or anyone you know has seen a walking, talking, dancing banana-man.
Imagine returning to your home in Seattle to find the floors, furniture, and household dog coated in peanut butter and jelly. Imagine finding that somebody has mysteriously vomited in your daughter’s bed. Then, adding insult to injury, your home has been burglarized – but all that is missing is a single jar of peanut butter.
Unbelievable as this story may be, it gets even weirder: According to the resident’s daughter (whose bed was graciously spared from peanut butter and jelly in favor of vomit), the prime suspect is a drug-addicted friend already accused of smearing lotion in similar fashion around a different friend’s apartment one night earlier. But how can one afford to support a drug habit AND buy enough peanut butter, jelly, and lotion to completely coat two residences? [Source; Image]