If you’re the type who likes to watch reality shows and enjoys quiet evenings spent playing Scrabble or, now that we’re in a second great depression, Monopoly, you might enjoy this. Radio Reference have been rebroadcasting police chatter for the past year or so, with great results. For instance, they converted me. I used to think that all police were good for, was eating doughnuts and handing out stop sign, illegal exhaust and cell phone usage tickets. No longer so!
After listening for one single evening during a power outage we had last week-end, courtesy of hurricane Irene’s remains, I decided that most police are courageous heroes who don’t hesitate to enter premises when the danger of a lurking thief is still present. After a second evening, I realized how many coocoos are circulating, even in a quiet town like Montreal.
Having said that though, wouldn’t it be nice if we also had superheroes that would listen in and assist from time to time? Actually, considering the amount of coocoos out there, maybe it’s better not. Please forget I said that…