Plastic surgeon doesn’t see the problem with the breast implants he gave his daughter on her 18th birthday

The daughter, now 23, also got a nose job for her 21st birthday from daddy, which, along with the boob job, must really help her in her job as a model in Las Vegas.  That’s her in the picture to the left, and judging by the plump lips and uber-tight face, I’m saying that Brittanni (yes, with an i) Nicole has received a few more procedures courtesy of her plastic surgeon of a father.

And yet Michael Niccole, the California-based surgeon, sees nothing wrong with the breast implants and nose job he gave his daughter.  Yeah, cutting open your own daughter on her 18th birthday to give her C-cup boobs is a normal, everyday thing.

Michael and Niccole sat down with ABC’s 20/20 to discuss this…

“I have no qualms,” said Michael Niccole, a California plastic surgeon. “I feel very comfortable in surgery, and I always have with relatives.”

“I didn’t have large breasts when I was younger, and all my friends did,” she says. “I felt very self-conscious about it.”  Niccole said the day she got her breasts done was “one of the best days of my life so far.”

Nicole isn’t the only daughter Michael has worked on.  His other adopted daughter, Charm (Really?  Charm? What are the odds the girls had a stripper pole in their bedroom growing up?), had her bellybutton changed from an “outtie” to an “innie” at the skilled hands of her father.  No word if that was a birthday, Christmas, or Arbor Day gift.

I wonder though—if Michael Niccole had a son, would he have given him a penile implant for his 18th, you know, if he felt “inadequate?”  Not knowing the man, I’ll go out on a limb and say no.  But considering the guy gave his 18-year-old daughter big boobs for her birthday, who’s to say for sure?

[NY Daily News]


Jeff Greenwell is the writer/editor of Last Angry Fan. Jeff has been known to rock a Speedo while belting out Robert Goulet tunes from his front porch, and in his spare time he enjoys capturing and training feral goats to be his minions. Also known to dig a nice brick of cheese from time to time.
3 Comments on this post.
  • Robert Crawley
    25 February 2012 at 6:22 pm
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    I think this is just mean.

  • Lolo
    19 March 2012 at 5:35 pm
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    She got implants from a plastic surgeon who just happened to be her dad what’s the big deal? What was she supposed to do.. go spend a few grand on a non-relative plastic surgeon lol

  • Lolo
    19 March 2012 at 5:35 pm
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    She got implants from a plastic surgeon who just happened to be her dad what’s the big deal? What was she supposed to do.. go spend a few grand on a non-relative plastic surgeon lol

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