Pakistani man becomes finalist at 2012 Darwin Awards

A Pakistani man has assured himself of being placed among the 2012 Darwin Awards finalists, after having died from smoke inhalation by burning an American flag during one of the many anti-American protests riots that have taken place recently across the middle-east.

Abdullah Ismail, gathered along with approximately 9,999 other protesters in Lahore, capital of the Punjab region of Pakistan when he complained about feeling sick from the smoke emitted by the burning stars and stripes.

On the one hand I want to hand out condolences to the family, however on the other hand, I’d also like to thank the US Surgeon General for not placing a flammable, or smoke inhalation warning on the flags, which brings me to my next question: How do the Pakistani get their hands on all these American flags they are burning?

Oh wait, where are they made?

Anyhow, all the protests, rioting and useless deaths stem from a film, “The Innocence of Muslims” which appears to have been produced with a total budget of just under 3$, by a California madman allegedly named Sam Becile (true story.) Obviously filmed with a first generation iPhone and edited by using an Etch-a-sketch, it was released to poor reviews even by YouTube standards. The film insults Muslims (and everyone’s intelligence) by depicting their spiritual leader as a womanizer and pedophile.



Limited production music, fiction and comedy. Actually, very limited. To follow on Twitter: Child of Glass
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