Assault rifle made entirely of animal bones you never knew you wanted can now be yours


bonesPictured here is New Zealand artist Mahalski holding one of his beloved creations, an assault rifle made entirely of animal bones the artist himself has collected, including those from rabbits, seals, snakes, wallabies, pheasants, hedgehogs and cats. Thankfully no human bones were used in making this bizarre, but nonetheless cool, piece of artwork, so far as we know. Although, with that many bones, there’s always a chance that Mahalksi threw a metacarpal or stapes from a human being in there somewhere (but probably not, because that would be gross…well, grosser than a gun made of animal bones).

Now, if you’re the type of person who’s into artillery or the bones of dead animals, or both, then you’re in luck. Mahalski is auctioning off his creation to the highest bidder, but it won’t come cheap…fine art never does. Starting bid for this creepy cool sculpture is a whopping $3,500, and if you think that’s outlandish, think about this—someone will more than likely bid on this item, and not only that, I can almost guarantee someone will pay a lot more than $3,500 to have this one-of-a-kind masterpiece sitting in their living room, simultaneously intriguing and scaring potential house guests.

Here’s the item description from, which is apparently the place “where kiwis buy and sell”…

The latest bone gun by New Zealand bone artist – Mahalski – is a life-size AK47 machine gun(330mm x 940mm) featuring found animal bones from rabbit, stoat, ferret, sheep, hawk, pheasant, wallaby, snapper, snake, blackbird, tarakihi, hedgehog, broad-billed prion , shear water, thrush, seal ,cat and possum (plus part of a skull from the extinct moa ). The gun is made entirely of bones mounted on an invisible wooden frame and is displayed standing upright on two rods on a piece of recycled matai timber (1130mm x 2000mm). You can see more pictures at –

Hey, say what you will about this AK-47 made out of animal parts, at least it can’t kill anybody. Maybe make them gag and throw up a little, but not an accidentally shoot them.



Jeff Greenwell is the writer/editor of Last Angry Fan. Jeff has been known to rock a Speedo while belting out Robert Goulet tunes from his front porch, and in his spare time he enjoys capturing and training feral goats to be his minions. Also known to dig a nice brick of cheese from time to time.
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