Man Builds Wire Cage For Head To Quit Smoking

Smoking is a pretty hard habit to quit. There’s gums, pills, hypnosis and a bunch of other methods to help you kick the habit. But none of these are quite as effective as the copper cage over the head that one man built for himself.

The man, Ibriham, tells media he would promise himself every year on his kids’ birthdays that he was going to quit smoking. And every year he’d fail. Realizing he just doesn’t have the will power to kick the habit himself, Ibriham decided to build the copper wire helmet which is inspired by motorcycle helmets.

Now, he puts that copper wire cage on his head every time he goes out, knowing he can’t get a cigarette to his mouth so he can’t cheat when he’s not in the house. In fact, he even gives the two sets of keys to his wife and daughter so he can’t take the cage off without their knowing.

Drastic to some. Effective to others.  [ Source ]

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A freelance writer & radio announcer with a general love for the bizarre, the weird and the unique.
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