• genderfail

    Gender discrimination fail: Boy suspended for wearing high heels and dress

    It began with a challenge: 15-year-old Sam Saurs of Port Orchard, Washington, claimed to his mother that walking in high heel shoes wasn’t that hard.  So she dared him to wear high heels for a day at school.  He accepted her challenge, and just to make things interesting, found...
  • fingerwart

    Good Idea: Wart removal, Bad Idea: With a shotgun.

    Sean Murphy of England is without a finger today thanks to his original home-crafted wart cure: The barrel of a 12-gauge shotgun. The wart on his left middle finger wouldn’t go away despite doctors and creams, so he did a little drinking, a little thinking, and settled on the...
  • Unintentionally funny dog walks up the stairs with a cone around its neck.

    This video goes out to everyone out there that has ever had a dog. It may seem mean or even cruel but often cones are necessary to allow the proper medicinal treatment of whatever ailment the animal has. I wish my youtube downloader worked properly so I could have...
  • Samuel L. Jackson reads “Go the F**k to Sleep” [video]

    By now most people are familiar with or, at the very least, have heard of Adam Mansbach’s Go the F*ck to sleep. It is billed as a children’s book for adults and has been showered with compliments from frustrated parents all over the Internet – it went so far...
  • Lap dancing not art rules NY court

    Lap dancing isn’t art. So rules a New York state court in a tax dispute. Why have they made such a ruling? Because the owners of an “adult juice bar” called Nite Moves are trying to get out of paying $125,000 of back taxes from 2005. Nite Moves in...
  • Drunk Sailor Forgets Wife Calls Coast Guard to Save Her

    What do you do with a drunken sailor? If you’re his wife maybe wait for him on dock until he realizes you are gone. Or in the case of this particular drunken sailor until he thinks you’ve fallen overboard and called the cops to report you’ve drowned. That’s what...
  • A five-second solution to the menace of planking [video]

    There is a phenomenon sweeping Australia, and indeed the globe at the moment called “planking” – maybe you’ve heard of it. People position their bodies in a rigid, prone position while their buddy takes a photo. They then post said photo on the Internet. For the most part it...
  • The worst playground idea ever [video]

    Unfortunately our search for details on this interesting piece of playground equipment has come to nothing. It may very well be a hoax, but if it isn’t then someone, somewhere is definitely getting sued, fired or a combination of sued and fired....
  • kidney

    Want an iPad 2? Got a kidney? Inquire within.

    Back in the day, kids would save their money for months, or even years, to buy a new piece of technology.  These days, it’s as easy as losing a spare kidney. Little Zheng, a 17-year-old Chinese boy, managed to trade one of his kidneys for an iPad 2 and...