Move over James Cameron, there’s another big wig billionaire exploring the deep seas and finding stuff. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, has located the missing Apollo 11 rockets at 14,000 meters below sea level. Apollo 11 being the first space craft to land on the moon in the 1960’s....
Oxytocin, a naturally produced hormone in humans, has been found to have specific applications in helping couples improve their intimacy. The hormone is a component in libido strength, sexual function and the development of intimacy in sex itself. A Californian researcher conducted a test on a middle-aged father of...
A psychology study out of Arkansas has shown that conservative political views are often a result of low-effort thinking. When put on the spot, people’s responses will tend to be much more conservative. The study showed that when confronted with a complicated question, the quicker the answer was, the...
Mac owners worldwide were baffled last week, by a trojan that has infected over half a million Macs. They’re mostly stunned because one of Apple’s supposed strengths was supposed to be that its resilience to viruses, malware and other software problems, as well as being unbreakable. The problem is...
Italian company Volpecar has designed the world’s smallest car. Electric, it looks like a bug and fits in an elevator. The tiny two seater takes up only 2 square meters of road space and is easy to park. Its specs are still under development so there’s no indication of...
Here’s another one to add to the proof there is life outside of planet Earth and they are also flying around exploring space like us humans. A large piece of a UFO was found in Otradnesnky, a small town in Siberia. The U-shaped metal object weighs 200 kilograms (440lbs),...
A new study of 27 astronauts is proving a little alarming – showing those who spend a month or more in space suffer brain and eye damage. The journal of Radiology is reporting the study, which used MRI scans on the NASA astronauts. The scans showed varying degrees of...
While men worldwide continue the struggle to place a word in edgewise with their spouses, their spouse’s mom, or when confronted by Fred Flintstone’s mother in law, scientists, you guessed it, in Japan, have invented a speech-jamming gun. The gun is simple to use, just point at the motor...
A company called Breathable Foods has begun marketing an inhalable caffeine shot called Aeroshot with the tagline: “Pull open, puff into mouth, push closed.” However the FDA is going to investigate the product to make sure it is not only safe and legal, but also that it does in fact...