• Fish hit by car, is dead! [Video]

    Check out this hilarious video where a pet store owner explains how it must have felt for his fish, in an aquarium, to get hit and killed, by a car....
  • Best. PSA. EVER!

    What do you get when you mix Ken Jeong (from The Hangover) , Stayin Alive, Saturday Night Fever inspired clothing, charades, a couple of young women in tight t-shirts and a heart attack victim? If you answered the best PSA EVER, click the play button below for your reward....
  • Christchurch earthquake unfolding via hardware store security cam [video]

    In case you hadn’t heard, Christchurch, New Zealand was recently hit by a magnitude 6.3 earthquake. If 6.3 doesn’t sound like a lot in the wake of all of Japan’s recent seismic activity: take a look at this video – 6.3 is big. If you want to skip to...
  • Unintentionally funny dog walks up the stairs with a cone around its neck.

    This video goes out to everyone out there that has ever had a dog. It may seem mean or even cruel but often cones are necessary to allow the proper medicinal treatment of whatever ailment the animal has. I wish my youtube downloader worked properly so I could have...
  • Samuel L. Jackson reads “Go the F**k to Sleep” [video]

    By now most people are familiar with or, at the very least, have heard of Adam Mansbach’s Go the F*ck to sleep. It is billed as a children’s book for adults and has been showered with compliments from frustrated parents all over the Internet – it went so far...
  • Huge explosion on the sun captured on video.

    This video shows a huge explosion on the Sun, estimated in size at be over a million km across. The light from the explosion was ultraviolet – invisible to the naked eye – but thanks to the miracles of modern technology it has been colored orange for our viewing...
  • Woman Goes Crazy over Breaking Dawn Trailer

    While it is completely understandable that people have favorite movies that they really enjoy and it’s totally understandable that people feel passionate about things, I don’t get how someone can get so emotional and over the top about a trailer for a movie. In the video below (and be...
  • A five-second solution to the menace of planking [video]

    There is a phenomenon sweeping Australia, and indeed the globe at the moment called “planking” – maybe you’ve heard of it. People position their bodies in a rigid, prone position while their buddy takes a photo. They then post said photo on the Internet. For the most part it...
  • Fan gets hit by Formula 1 Red Bull Vehicle [video]

    Bad idea: Running across a street without looking both ways A REALLY bad idea: Trying to cross a track during a Formula 1 demonstration That is what happened to a unidentified spectator during a Sebastien Buemi’s Red Bull show car demo in Japan. The demo which was part of...