
  • Japan ministry spokesman Yasuhiro Sonoda drinks a glass of water

    Japan MP Yasuhiro Sonoda drank a glass of water allegedly from the Fukushima plant, in a publicity stunt to show that the water from the damaged nuclear plant is safe. “Just drinking (decontaminated water) doesn’t mean safety has been confirmed. I know that,” Sonoda said. “Presenting data to the public...
  • Chinese man jailed for spreading radiation rumors

    A Chinese man was jailed for 10 days and hit with a 500 yuan ($76.13) fine for spreading rumors online that the nuclear accident at a power plant in Japan had contaminated Chinese waters. Authorities in Zhejiang province said that a computer company worker by the name of Chen...
  • Nuclear catastrophe?

    The Government of Japan has been working hard on convincing us that everything is almost under control at TEPCO’s troubled Daiichi power station. As long as they keep the water pumping, they will be able to keep the nuclear reaction from spiraling out of control and keep an accident...