
  • Company accidentally fires entire staff via email

    The 1,300 employees of London-based Aviva Investors had a rude shock when they checked their email on Friday: every single one of them had been fired – unsympathetically, might I add. The mail, which the HR department intended to send to only one recipient, read as follows: “I am...
  • The wheelie benchpress, what could possibly go wrong? [video]

    As far as feats of strength go, benchpressing two 45-pound plates is nothing special – barring debilitating injury it is something that most grown men should be able to do. A wheelie on a powerful motorcycle is a little bit more tricky, but something that most people can manage...
  • Store clerk makes failed robber clean up own blood

    The robust-looking gentleman that you see in the picture to the left is one Derek Mothershead – and in case you were wondering, you really, really don’t want to rob his store. Twenty-five-year-old Mostafa Hendi learned that lesson the hard way when he allegedly walked into a We Buy...
  • Convenience store robber fails to notice cop standing behind him [Fail]

    Some people really suck at crime and Stephen Daniel is one of those people – as you can see from this security tape from a convenience store in Snelville, Georgia. According to the arresting officer, who was standing directly behind Daniel in the queue, the store manager found the...
  • We’re still here and post-judgment day life is pretty awesome

    It is now 6:02 in the p.m. here in Japan and I can confirm that my good Christian neighbor has not been beamed up to heaven; there have been no great earthquakes (except for the one we had a couple of months ago); there are no trumpets; and I...
  • Suicide bomber killed by explosive spam

    A would-be Russian suicide bomber is reported to have been detonated when an ill-timed message arrived on her phone to wish her a happy new year. The woman and two suspected accomplices (who are believed to be part of the same group that killed 35 people at Moscow’s Domodedovo...
  • Trapped Chilean miner has some explaining to do

    One of the things that sucks about being stuck in a collapsed mine – aside from the darkness, claustrophobia and millions of tons of rock above your head – is that you have no control over what happens on the surface. Such is the case for one of Chile’s...
  • Figure skater starts million-dollar fire with own stupidity

    Have you heard of Kurt Browning? As the picture above suggests, he is a figure skater, a former Canadian and World champion of the sport, to be exact – and if recent events are anything to go by, he may not a smart man. His recent problems started with...
  • Apollo astronauts used memorabilia as life insurance

    Being an astronaut has always been a risky occupation, but there was a lot more that could go wrong back in the days that they rode rockets into space. It was dangerous enough for life insurance providers deny astronauts coverage – which meant that NASA had to find another...