
  • Monolith found on Mars

    Astronomers have discovered a monolith-shaped object on Mars. The structure juts out of the Martian landscape and has many scientists confused about its significance. The monolith appears to be completely rectangular and there is speculation as to whether it is an artificial construct or not. The camera which took...
  • Astronauts suffer brain and eye damage after a month in space

    A new study of 27 astronauts is proving a little alarming – showing those who spend a month or more in space suffer brain and eye damage. The journal of Radiology is reporting the study, which used MRI scans on the NASA astronauts. The scans showed varying degrees of...
  • Interplanetary colonization just got kinkier

    Not at all impeded by budget cuts in the aftermath of the recession, NASA is now asked to address how babies are made in space. On the front line of this issue is Dr. Rhawn Joseph, putting the ‘O’ back in zero gravity for the Journal of Cosmology in...