
  • Viral Music Video Possibly Strangest Thing Ever

    There’s a music video from the Norwegian group Ylvis which is perhaps the most bizzare thing ever, that is if it’s meant to be a serious thing and not a comedy. The weirdness starts with the song itself, all about the sounds other animals make but alas, what is...
  • Teacher Bring Blood To Class, Lets Students Taste It

    A teacher in Sola, Norway has been fired after bringing in a vial of her own blood and letting students touch it and taste it. The students were in kindergarten and between the ages of 3 – 6. (Now, for the collective cry of WTF??? Gross.) No reason is...
  • Man refuses to let bomb blast interrupt his workout [video]

    What do you normally do when a bomb goes off next door to you? If it is the first time it has happened to you, chances are you would stop everything you were doing and say, “WTF was that?!” Then you would proceed towards the window with caution and...
  • megadeth + wolf

    Hungry wolves frightened by Megadeth

    In typical Norwegian style, a 13-year-old boy cheated death by blasting thrash metal in the general direction of four hungry wolves. Walking home from school in Rakkestad, Walter Acre found himself surrounded by the beasts.  Remembering the best course of action in such a situation – to face them...