Anonymous is at it again, calling for justice for the family of 17-year old Rahtaeh Parsons, Halifax, Nova Scotia, who committed suicide 18months after she was “allegedly” gang raped by four young men at a party. The assault was photographed, the picture distributed among her school and she was...
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the increasingly misnamed horseback Canadian version of the American FBI, are looking for the people who spray painted a passed out drunk man’s face in Vancouver British Columbia. According to Sgt. Max Fossum, the 48 year old man was picked up by local police as he...
A Vancouver man, Aaron Haight was traveling from Vancouver to Collingwood, Ontario for a shooting competition. He is not a police officer nor a member of the army or RCMP. He was traveling with a Glock 22 and Baby Eagle 941. Both were legitimately licensed to him and he...