
  • Men Take 6 Months To Get Small Household Jobs Done

    There’s groundbreaking new research coming out that could prove wives have a right to pester and nag their male partners. Scientists have found that the typical male takes six months to finish small jobs around the house. Stop the presses. This could save marriages and put marriage counselors out...
  • New Species Of Dinosaur Named After US President

    America’s first African American president is being immortalized once again, this time in the shape of a small insect eating dinosaur, now named the Obamadon Gracilis. Researchers at Yale University decided to name the dinosaur with lots of teeth after the 44th President of the United States, Barrack Obama, because...
  • “Gaydar” found to be inherent human behavioural sensor

    A US research project has found that people have an automatic sense of whether people they are interacting with are homosexual or not. The research indicates that people can distinguish sexuality within 50 milliseconds, with an accuracy of 60-65%. Further studies may result in allowing people to determine whether...
  • Are refillable soap dispensers a microbial trap?

    According to a research published in the May issue of the journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology, they can be. The study, conducted by GOJO Industries, shows that soap dispensers with sealed, disposable containers are preferable to the normal refillable ones, as these refillable containers can become contaminated with Gram-negative bacteria....
  • Scientific proof that men look at women’s breasts first and their face is almost last

    WOMEN, no doubt wearing low cut tops, bikinis or see through blouses,  have long complained that their faces are often the last thing men look at. I’m sure they are pleased to know they are supported in that thought by a scientific study. Researchers found that virtually half – 47 per...