
  • Skater Bends Post With Groin

    And now for your OMG that is so painful moment. While attempting to do a rail, this unknown skater fails and literally bends the rail when he falls on it with his groin. Poor guy. Super painful.  Perhaps skateboarding should be a jock-wearing sport from now on. Warning: those...
  • 68-year old skateboarding professor now an online hit

    Think skateboarding is only for punk-ass teens? It’s also for 68-year old University professors. Tom Winters, a classics professor at the University of Nebraska, rides his skateboard everyday around campus with briefcase in hand as a way to keep his joints from aching. “Walking sucks, so I get there...
  • skate house

    Old and busted: A room with a view; New hotness: A room with a half-pipe

    Why break your leg in a skateboarding accident in public, or in some guy’s dried-out pool, when you could do it in the comfort of your own home? That’s the thinking behind PAS House, the home currently being designed and built for professional skateboarder Pierre-Andre Sénizergues.  Featuring three rooms...
  • 630 Horsepower V8 Skateboard For Tony Hawk

    In honor of his impending visit to Australia, Aussie company V8 Supercars will be presenting Tony Hawk with a V8-powered skateboard. I’m not sure if he will actually ride the thing – and I’m sort of hoping that he doesn’t because he seems like a nice guy and this...