Burglar arrested after shocking MySpace blunder

If police reports are to be believed then 18-year-old Robert Rupp is not a smart man. The Florida teen was arrested for burglary because he decided to log in to his MySpace account at the scene of a crime.

It was not so much the logging in that got Robert Rupp arrested as his forgetting to log out – but that isn’t the end of the story.

It has been widely reported that a caretaker for a home on Sugarloaf Key called 911 after spotting someone sitting on a couch inside a house. When police arrived they found a black backpack, a bag of weed, food wrappers anda soda can. They also found a computer in the bedroom, which was turned on and logged into Rupp’s MySpace account.

Police found him walking nearby with screwdrivers in his pockets. He was subsequently charged with burglary, possession of burglary tools and theft. He told the deputies that he entered the house because it was cold.

I find myself struggling to believe that young Rupp was actually burgling the house. What self respecting burglar would leave behind a perfectly good computer – let alone one logged into a MySpace account? The more likely scenario is that he was squatting and not burgling. If he was (burgling) then he really, really needs to consider a different line of work. [The Register]


C.S. Magor is the editor-in-chief and a reporter at large for We Interrupt and Uberreview. He currently resides in the Japanese countryside approximately two hours from Tokyo - where he has spent the better part of a decade testing his hypothesis that Japan is neither as quirky nor as interesting as others would have you believe.
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