January 7, 2011
The conversation that transpired in the picture above is very real – there is a real Matthew and there is a real Jack – and Jack, as you can see, has a way with words. Asking a guy why his wife isn’t talking to him is no way for a man to act, and Matthew shouldn’t need to be told, but the fact that he does might have something to do with why he failed to make the Facebook friend cut in the first place.
—Thanks Jack
Gadzooks! Jack must be a Preston and Steve fan!
They are both douche bags. One for asking someones husband and the other for being a jackass tough guy. Get over yourselves. I wonder if Jack is worried that his wife was cheating on him with this guy? That would be AWESOME!
Doesn’t sound like it — who says gadzooks to someone they’re worried about? Jack clearly holds him in massive contempt.
So let me get this straight….This news story is reporting news about a private message between two facebook users? I dont know what is more frightening here…Matt or the fact that this story exits on this site. Invasion of privacy anyone?
Obviously one of them shared it so there’s no invasion of privacy.
Matt = Loser
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by theblogstudio, Aaron Gersztoff. Aaron Gersztoff said: How not to get back in touch with someone who just “unfriended” you on Facebook… http://bit.ly/dPtm8c […]
Fred: If you don’t get it, you’re probably a douchebag yourself.
While you’re at it, what’s your wife’s FB ID?