January 18, 2011
Once again the world of science is looking to mess with the natural evolution of things. This time they’re looking to clone the woolly mammoth which has been extinct for thousands of years. And they’re saying it could be done in as little at 4 years.
Attempts to accomplish such a feat in the 1990’s failed because the nuclei researchers recovered from the frozen remains of a woolly mammoth found in Siberia were too destroyed from the cold. But now new technology is giving Japanese scientists reborn hope they’ll being the pre-historic creature into our future.
Which makes total sense. Let’s bring this gigantic creature into our over popularity world of high rises, cell phones and high-speed travel. I mean seriously, folks. Haven’t you seen Jurassic Park? Isn’t Godzilla one of the most watched films in Japan? There is a reason why humans didn’t live with the mammoth. What’s next? T-Rex? [CBC]
Edit the spelling please.
Is it to much to ask that before criticizing “science”, people would have a basic understanding of it? First, wooly mammoths are herbivores, and would be quite content to be left alone to eat plants. What is the author afraid of, herds of glowing-eyed wooly mammoths descending upon cities, impaling people on their tusks? Plus, wooly mammoths are an arctic species; they like to live where people prefer not to. If anything, resurrecting wooly mammoths would increase awareness of the arctic environment and global warming. And finally, WOOLY MAMMOTHS AND PEOPLE DID COEXIST. In fact, wooly mammoths, like virtually all other Pleistocene megafauna, were most likely wiped out by prehistoric man! So by resurrecting mammoths, we’d essentially be undoing damage we did thousands of years ago!