Man calls 911 to get money back from prostitutes FAIL

"aw shucks, guess the calling the cops was a bad idea"

"aw shucks, guess the calling the cops was a bad idea"

A 26-year old Kansas City man has learned the hard way if you’re making an illegal business transaction you don’t call the cops to complain.

Ahmad Hasnain called 911 to report being robbed by two female escorts he hired through on online service, only to later retract his story and tell the truth. The truth being he was upset when two escorts came instead of one and he wanted to get his $160 refunded.

Now poor Hasnain is not only $160 poorer, he’s being charged with a misdemeanor count of patronizing a prostitute.

Crime just doesn’t pay, does it? [Smoking Gun]

Random Absurdity

A freelance writer & radio announcer with a general love for the bizarre, the weird and the unique.
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