October 22, 2011
It’s a rough economy for everyone – even drug dealers. So, perhaps seeking newer customers, the inhabitants of 3937 N Massachusetts Ave in Portland, Oregon began a flyer campaign in their neighborhood.
Printed on 8×10″ paper, the flyers boldly announced ‘HEROIN FOR SALE’ and listed a house address, as well as the names of several drug dealers living in the house. One neighbor was mailed this flyer and immediately turned it in to the police, who raided the property, finding marijuana, heroin, a sawed-off shotgun, cash, and the means for constructing a methamphetamine lab.
Six adults were arrested on various drug charges, while one teenager was placed into protective custody. [Source]
Random Absurdity
Sounds like a set up to me. Drug dealers aren’t that desperate or stupid. Maybe the flyer was made by neighbors or the police as excuse to get a search warrant.
It’s was the neighbors that made the flyers to alert police of the house not the dealers