Yes, you’ve read that right, an Irish airline called RyanAir was forced to abort a flight from Essex to a place called Latvia, because the cockpit window, also known as a windshield or windscreen, was a botched-up repair, apparently, with tape.
The IAA reports that the tape was used to reinforce a newly installed window on the Boeing 737-800 but other reports claim that the window was simply repaired with tape. This really gives new meaning to low cost flying, considering the current economic crisis which is forcing most airline companies to make cutbacks in budgets and thereby safety precautions and you’ll see just how dangerous it’s becoming to fly.
Naked body scanners, or not, I’d like to know that I’m the only one using duct tape to repair important stuff like Cookie’s hairdryer, the washing machine and the car brakes (and steering.)
For your viewing pleasure, here is still the best use of duct tape on a plane.