This video shows a huge explosion on the Sun, estimated in size at be over a million km across. The light from the explosion was ultraviolet – invisible to the naked eye – but thanks to the miracles of modern technology it has been colored orange for our viewing...
With the recent development at CERN of a more stable anti-matter, it’s beginning to become evident that there might be dangers involved. Much like with radio-activity, anti-matter, if put in contact with, let’s say arbitrarily, a human being, could be hazardous. The way I understand anti-matter, it is the...
I’m not sure how good this is going to be for mankind, much like the splitting of the atom in the 1940s, the game scientists are playing is a rather dangerous one. A partly Canadian team of scientists, at CERN, have managed to trap some anti-hydrogen molecules for longer than...
Boston Bruin Patrice Bergeron, is taking antibiotics, as a result of what was obviously misinterpreted by the NHLs disciplinary panel, as a “love nibble”, since Vancouver Canuck Alex Burrows wasn’t suspended. During the first period of Wednesday’s game one, of the Stanley Cup final, there was a scuffle behind one...
Yasuteru Yamada proposes that the elders take over the radioactive cleanup and his arguments are absolutely in-discussable. The 72 year old retiree is recruiting other elders based on the premise that, on average, they have at most 12-15 years left to live, and it would be difficult to catch,...
Researchers at the LHC in Europe have discovered the densest form of matter, sadly they’ve named it quark-gluon plasma. Quark-gluon plasma is 100.000 times hotter than Jessica Alba The Sun, and is as dense as the matter from a neutron star. It is made up from exotic particles known as...
Ruth Schulz and her team of researchers at the University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology, have invented a type of robots that have been designed to develop their own language. What the robots have done so far, is simply to map out a region inside a room,...
No, it’s not Godzilla, although I think we all might be better off if it was. Greenpeace have announced this morning that they’ve found traces of radioactive life in the Pacific Ocean near Japan. They said they’ve also found radiation levels up to 50 times higher than expected, which...
With the arrival of spring and the promise of summer (eventually), we are confronted with the usual suspects of chores, including yardwork, gardening and compost. For the past couple of years vermiculture has been quite good to me, essentially all you need is a large vat of earth, possibly...