Watch the video above as Jenson Button, former F1 champion pulls into the wrong pit and almost comes to a complete stop before realizing that he does not, in fact, drive for Red Bull Racing. This maneuver cost him first place, in a race where he wound up finishing...
It would appear that in just over three years, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) has disclosed more information than NASA in over 40 years of space exploration, as the Indian Space Research Organization have reported the discovery of a 1-2km wide hollow lava tube, almost perfectly horizontal and quite...
The above video, filmed in “shakey-uncle-zoom-vision” shows a runaway tractor going round on a thankfully quite empty Richmond Hill Wal-Mart parking lot. It does eventually wind up destroying a poor Suzuki SX4, damaging what looks like either a Civic or an Acura (essentially the same car), and finally stopping...
Norwegian news site Nettavisen reported (in July 2007) that a 12 year old boy named Hans Jørgen Olsen saved himself and his sister by using skills he picked up while playing World of Warcraft. After wandering off in the forest onto the moose’s path, the boy remembered that he could...
With the launch of the FBI Vault website, came the bizarre release of a 1950 document that seems to attest to the existence of the famous Roswell aliens and their flying saucers. About the saucers themselves, agent Hottel wrote in the memo that :”‘Each one was occupied by three...
Relax though, it’s not exactly flat either. This incredible computer rendition of the Earth, has been compiled using data from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE). The satellite which has been in orbit for two years, has accomplished its mission to map out...
In another hilarious meanwhile in Japan moment from a couple of years ago, the Japanese show us how to fish for squirrel. And since the “nice” season (note the sarcastic brackets…) is arriving here in Canada as well, so is the squirrel fishing season, hence behold the demonstration above. Note...
Yes, you’ve read that right. Commodore USA are re-launching the C-64 and though there’s no release date yet, they are taking pre-orders. Sadly though, if I’m to be honest at all, I doubt they will have much success. As much as I loved learning about computers, and delaying the...
Charlie Sheen’s one man show is not looking like it’s “Winning”. In fact, if things continue the way they are going, they will probably be losing money. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always liked Charlie Sheen, when we were teenagers and going to the movies was still affordable, we...