China’s got a new crew of police women running down bad guys and pickpockets in Tianfu Square. They’re no-nonsense, roller-blading policewomen. The eco-friendly way to cut down on street crime is a spectacle to see. They patrol in synchronized groups who wear 3-inch heels when not in roller blades...
This makes me sick. My stomach is literally in knots right now. A Japanese man’s child – 2 years and 10 months old – has starved to death. Autopsy found pieces of paper, cat liter, diaper and plastic in his mouth leading officials to believe he had gone into...
Brazil’s National Indian Foundation is in panic mode after one of the uncontacted tribes of Amazon Indians they work at protecting has disappeared. The organization suspects it’s because drug traffickers raided their village. The tribe was recorded for the first time in January and it looks as if their...
While most of Eastern Canada is dealing with ridiculously cold temperatures this summer, the heat wave in Texas is so severe one woman suffered second degree burns on her feet even though she was wearing leather sandals. Rebecca Friensen decided the scorching 108f temperature (about 42celcius) wouldn’t keep her...
In July, 25-year-old James Radtke was arrested following the shooting death of his 16-year-old girlfriend Kelsey Carte. Police were called to his residence by Carte’s mother but were denied entry; hours later, Radtke and his housemates drove Carte to Enumclaw Community Hospital in Kent, Washington, where she was declared...
Richard Handl, a 31-year-old Swedish man from Ängelholm in western Sweden was arrested when he requested information on the legality of building a nuclear reactor in his kitchen. According to The Local, the man began his nuclear experimenting around six months ago and had maintained a blog detailing his...
Meet Sam, a doll in the likeness of an infant, so realistic that it has anatomically-correct veins and encourages shenanigans by concerned police and passerby. Sam’s five-year-old mom Chanel left the doll on the floor of Grandma Victoria Cristofis’ car, to which police were alerted and eventually arrived to...
What do you normally do when a bomb goes off next door to you? If it is the first time it has happened to you, chances are you would stop everything you were doing and say, “WTF was that?!” Then you would proceed towards the window with caution and...
People who watched a motorcyclist rear-end a van in Victorville, California were thinking the worst when they couldn’t find the driver anywhere near his crashed bike. No one guessed he was inside the van he hit. It’s an accident police are calling a “non-injury collision with a twist.” The...