In a “we told you so” moment, scientists have confirmed a link between warmer winters over the northern hemisphere, and stronger UV output during the more active phase within the 11 year cycle of our Sun. Also, they’ve explained why even though we were prophesied some tremendous global warming...
The above video, from the SOHO mission shows what appears to be a comet, hitting the sun head on, followed immediately by a massive plume on the other side. To me this proves only that the sun is mostly made of gas, as predicted, since the comet seems to...
Finally, a powerful solar flare ejected by our sun on Monday, has started hitting the Earth and caused some pretty shimmering lights in the night skies above North America, and visible as far as the Northern United States and throughout Canada. Solar flares, basically the sun’s way of sneezing,...
Some bad weather this last summer, droughts, floods, coupled with less acreage in favor of corn is about to yield the worst peanut crop in recent history, some numbers point to 13% less peanuts than last year. Why are Americans decreasing acreage to peanuts in favor of corn and...
If new guidelines for surgeons in the US are approved, they no longer will have to wait a mandatory 2 minutes after a patient’s heart has stopped, to begin harvesting donor organs. The 2 minutes pause? It’s there to make sure a patient’s heart doesn’t start up again. Apparently...
With the 70 liters of semen sitting on ice in the Cryos sperm bank and a massive queue of lining up to make donations, director Ole Schou can afford to be picky. He told the Ekstra Bladet newspaper that the bank would be more selective in choosing who could...
The acclaimed Milk The Cow app, designated by farmers worldwide as the number one cow milking app on the Apple Store, has gone pro. A new version of the cow milking application has been released on August 31st by Lemodo, with a new update this week to version 1.2....
If you’re the type who likes to watch reality shows and enjoys quiet evenings spent playing Scrabble or, now that we’re in a second great depression, Monopoly, you might enjoy this. Radio Reference have been rebroadcasting police chatter for the past year or so, with great results. For instance,...
Want to have a real blast for the holidays? Why not visit Wunderland, an amusement park built within SNR-300. SNR-300, is an old nuclear power plant built in 1972, and that was never actually finished. The project was iced completely in the late 1980s after the Chernobyl accident and...