• geocentric model

    Galileo skeptics confound Catholics and astrophysicists alike

    After Galileo Galilei challenged the Church and its Roman Inquisition in 1632 by publishing his support of heliocentrism, he was forced to recant and confined to his home for the rest of his life.  Nearly four hundred years later, the Earth is held by a vast majority to orbit...
  • Sun remains innocuous, even with solar flares

    The invention of the Internet, by science guru Al Gore in the early 1970s, coupled with higher costs of anti-psychotic drugs and the economic crisis in the US, are having some interesting side effects. The Internet, is giving a platform for everyone, and I do mean everyone, to voice...
  • intersex symbol

    Man finds out he has a uterus the hard way

    Thirty-five years after birth, an Indian man only known as Ryalu checked into a hospital with stomach pains.  Although it was suspected the man had a hernia, exploratory surgery found something a bit off – namely, a uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and some vaginal tissue. Ryalu is very much...
  • NASA calls BS on global warming

    Even the best of the best can’t keep a lie going on and on, a great man once told me that you could fool all the people some of the time, and you could fool some people all the time, but you couldn’t fool all the people all the...
  • Transparent battery invented!

    Researchers at Stanford University have invented a new type of battery, it holds about half the charge of a normal Lithium-Ion battery, so it’s not actually any better… …except that it’s transparent! What is the point of making a transparent battery? Simple, to make your already impossibly hard to...
  • Mac fanboys get their batteries hacked

    I’d like to dedicate this article to Mac fanboys everywhere. What defines a fanboy is his or her enduring single mindedness, about whatever article, team or artist they’re fans of. You’ll never convince an Xbox fanboy that the PS3 or Wii is better, as you’ll never convince a Toronto...
  • Reptilian amputee gets epoxied prosthesis

    The 12-year-old African spur-thighed tortoise that you see above had to have its left front leg amputated. Veterinarians at Washington State University’s College of veterinary medicine came up with a novel solution to the reptile’s mobility problem: they fitted a caster painlessly to the bottom of the tortoise’s shell...
  • Man lives for a month without a pulse!

    Imagine being able to run up the stairs and not feel your heart beating hard; or getting a nice startle, like for instance, when watching the television you are suddently confronted by a large spider on the wall, or the image of Justin Bieber on the screen…brrr, creepy. You...
  • Reasearchers find medieval armour more tiring than weighted backpack

    Researchers at University of Leeds (UK) have determined that wearing a medieval suit of armor makes your more tired then wearing the same amount of weight in a back pack. Study participants were fitted with sensors before they put on a suit of armor, oxygen mask then walked and...