• US driver tries to use feet to stop truck, Flintstone style FAIL

    Oh gosh darn it! Dem brakes o’ mine don’ work. I gotta try ta use ma feet again. Perhaps this was the train of thought that inspires a 24-year old American man to try and stop his truck with his feet a la Fred Flintstone style when his brakes...
  • Captain Awesome’s fireworks stunt is a hilariously awesome failure

    Granted, the title above might be considered by some to be something of a spoiler – but knowing that everything is going to go hilariously awry somehow makes this even funnier. Yes, the little pyrotechnical accident might have hurt and we should probably feel sorry for our unfortunate protagonist...
  • Man refuses to let bomb blast interrupt his workout [video]

    What do you normally do when a bomb goes off next door to you? If it is the first time it has happened to you, chances are you would stop everything you were doing and say, “WTF was that?!” Then you would proceed towards the window with caution and...
  • The Apple Store Challenge [Video]

    New York comedian Mark Malkoff has been up to his old tricks – this time he has taken his show into Apple Stores. In the Apple Store Challenge, Malkoff goes into Apple Stores armed only with a camera, a few props and some tasteless but funny antics. According to...
  • Reptilian amputee gets epoxied prosthesis

    The 12-year-old African spur-thighed tortoise that you see above had to have its left front leg amputated. Veterinarians at Washington State University’s College of veterinary medicine came up with a novel solution to the reptile’s mobility problem: they fitted a caster painlessly to the bottom of the tortoise’s shell...
  • Probably a bad way to park your car

    One of the things that some of the denizens of the Interwebs like to do is to post videos of themselves “parking like a boss”. It is unknown what the driver of the car featured in this video was trying to accomplish with his aggressive maneuver — what we...
  • Kitchen planking disaster, FAIL

    You’ve all been told before – planking is dangerous. But does anyone listen? Of course not, nobody cares. But the global fad of trying to make your body as flat as a plank of wood in bizarre places is just not going away, no matter how many people die...
  • Sewer Geyser lifts car off the road in Montreal [Video]

    A spectacular sewer geyser sent a car flying in the air on Wolfe St. between Ste Catherine and Rene Levesque in Montreal on Monday July 18th. It’s unclear if the water is sewage or clean but it’s improbable that it would be sewage as waste water would not have been...
  • First contact! [Video]

    This video shows the first contact between a Toulambi tribe in Papua, New Guinea and some white explorers, in 1976. The video shows how the tribesmen reacted to seeing the white explorer, how he is dressed, the (huge) camera and possibly the film crew. Later in the film, the...