• Japanese squirrel fishing

    In another hilarious meanwhile in Japan moment from a couple of years ago, the Japanese show us how to fish for squirrel. And since the “nice” season (note the sarcastic brackets…) is arriving here in Canada as well, so is the squirrel fishing season, hence behold the demonstration above. Note...
  • iPhone Says No to Nose Candy Android Says Yes

    While it’s better than doing the real thing and won’t get you into the same trouble Charlie Sheen did, the Nose Candy app isn’t getting the thumbs up from Apple. The game, which is all about doing cocaine, won’t be available on iPhone as the company says they want...
  • British Family Being Terrorized by Poltergiest

    Watching horror movies is a favorite pastime for many, but for Lisa Manning and her two children, living in a haunted house isn’t any fun. The British family says their home in Coventry is being terrorized by a poltergeist and have video footage to prove it. Chairs slide across...
  • Angry Birds Gets Movie Treatment

    Angry Birds… in case you haven’t heard of it, it’s the iPhone app that’s become one of the most popular games out there. Talkshow host Connan O’Brian made a life size version of the game and now it’s been given the movie treatment… of sorts… Rooster Teeth Shorts has...
  • Scientists drop 20.000 bouncy balls from a helicopter

    Why? Well, scientists wanted to demonstrate how space weather impacts on satellites. The balls were meant to simulate the stream of electron radiation onto the delicate spacecraft. The event that happened at the Utah State University Romney Football Stadium parking lot, Thursday afternoon, drew in thousands of spectators. Initial plans...
  • Light saber badminton [video]

    Badminton is an interesting sport. It is fun to play but painful to watch, unless light sabers are involved. The video below is a perfect example of what can be accomplished with the right computer software and way too much spare time....
  • TV Hosts Sneeze Leads to Boogey Bubble on Live TV

    When you gotta sneeze you gotta sneeze. Usually it’s an uneventful thing- a tiny little “ah-choo” that might get a “bless you,” if you’re lucky. For TV host Peter Simon it was a downright embarrassing turn of events when his sneeze turned into a huge bubble of snot and...
  • Sports Reporter Almost Run Over On Live TV

    Some jobs are dangerous. Fighting fires or fighting crime has risk written all over them. But reporting sports scores? Few would think there’s any danger involved in that. San Diego’s sports director Ben Higgins would beg to differ. Higgins was almost run over by a car during a live...
  • Russian soldiers shoot snow, snow fires back [video]

    This YouTube video shows a group of Russian soldiers in North Ossetia creating a controlled avalanche… using artillery. Watching them nonchalantly stroll towards their vehicles as tons of snow barrel towards them tells me that they: A) hate life; B) have done it too many times to get any...