science and technology

  • If you have a face in your testicle… you really, really need to see a doctor

    Lest you thought that the reviewers at Urology were born without a sense of humor (that much is still up for debate)… The screaming face that you see above you came from ultrasound images of the scrotum of a 45-year-old male (obvious and redundant statement (only males have scrota...
  • The Next Big Thing from Japan: Portable bidets

    A Japanese company has recently developed The Next Big Thing in personal hygiene: The portable bidet. For the working man or woman on the go, the washlet delivers a steady stream of water for twenty-three seconds and fits in your overnight bag.  It features a nifty wristband, preventing the...
  • Sun eclipsed by Moon, International Space Station [pic]

    Photographer Thierry Legault got a little more than he bargained for in a trip that he took to Oman to capture a partial solar eclipse. The picture shows what one would normally expect in a partial eclipse: the Moon blocking out part of the Sun – but a closer...
  • London in 80 gigapixels

    This incredible panorama of the city of London is the biggest 360-degree panorama made to date – and weighs in at a hard disk crushing 80 gigapixels. To put that in some sort of perspective, a single 18-megapixel image fills an A2 page. This is an 80-gigapixel panoramic photo,...