Mugshot Gets Woman Marriage Proposals & Internet Fame

Getting arrested for drinking and driving may have been the best thing for Florida woman, Megan McCullough formerly Megan Simmons.

The 27-year old mother of four has been bombarded with marriage proposals and offers to pay her bills by admirers via Twitter all thanks to some unknown person posting her mugshot from the night she was busted by cops.

Memes have been made of it, all in the name of the “best mugshot ever.” Simmons, a beauty even when intoxicated, seems to be laughing it off via Twitter, retweeting ones she finds funny and remarking on how odd she finds the whole thing.

“It’s crazy lol i don’t understand what all the hype is about,” Meagan Simmons wrote on Twitter.

As of yet, she hasn’t taken anyone up on the offer.  At least not that we know of.  Perhaps when you’re not looking for a Sugar Daddy you really don’t want one. Also no word on if she was convicted of the 2010 offense.

Guess all those selfies really paid off… girl knows how to take a picture. [Source][Image]

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A freelance writer & radio announcer with a general love for the bizarre, the weird and the unique.
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