Luca Colonnese

Limited production music, fiction and comedy. Actually, very limited. To follow on Twitter: <a href=""> Child of Glass</a>
  • Meanwhile, in Japan… a 31 legged race goes south [video]

    They had a misnamed 31 legged race where 31 children all ran synchronously towards a large mat. It should have been called a 62 legged race. I for one, was expecting 15 normal kids and one with one single leg. Amazingly, Internet lore doesn’t seem to have made it...
  • If you thought Australia was weird…

    It gets better; They now have a glow in the dark lake, at the Gippsland Lakes in Victoria, Australia. Relax though, this has nothing to do with intra-galactic aliens or bio-hazards, it’s a bacteria known as Noctiluca Scintillans and it’s awesome for several different reasons. Firstly because it glows...
  • Coming soon; “Killer Paper” to preserve food longer.

    Scientists have developed a way to affix silver nano particles on paper without the nano particles falling off, so now we’re only a handful of clinical trials and tests away from getting our own “Killer Paper”. The coated paper killed off E. coli and another nasty bacteria in just three hours....
  • A second Sun for Earth in lieu of the Mayan end in 2012?

    Apparently it’s not only scientifically plausible, but also very possible and likely. At least the part about the second “sun”. According to Dr.Brad Carter Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland, Betelgeuse, the second most massive star in our galaxy, is losing mass and is nice...
  • Would you make a backup of it, if you had the cure to cancer?

    Not these two peeps… Sook Shin and Ralf Jankecht are cancer researchers at the Oklahoma University. Sadly for cancer patients everywhere (both present and future), the laptop they hadn’t backed up, and that contained the only copy of a possible cure for prostate cancer, was stolen when someone snatched...
  • Setting fire to gasoline soaked testicles will burn

    “It was an accident,” Andrew Williams said in a telephone interview with the Ocala Star-Banner on Saturday afternoon. He added that his girlfriend didn’t know it was going to happen. Here are the Cliff notes as to what authorities think occurred: Williams, a 42 year old man, watched as his...
  • And for their next trick, Italy brings us cold fusion!

    They’ve brought us pizza (they still do!), they’ve invented the road, and marble, they’ve perfected pasta and made real football unwatchable, now for their next trick; Cold fusion. It’s the holy grail of energy making processes, basically it’s a controversial (but patented) process by which very little mass is...
  • Aquanotes, Are you a shower thinker?

    Like many ideas, waterproof notepads seem like a good one initially. If you’re a driver, and you’ve ever gotten in an accident in the rain, you know how tricky it is, to jot down your co-accidentee’s information on a wet car trunk, with a wet pen, on a wet...
  • Could ATMs be dirtier than public bathrooms?

    The answer is yes! According to a British study. You might remember from last year’s H1N1 media crash course on microbes and viruses, that our little friends can be quite fun, and may cause vomiting, diarrhea and other ailments. Bacteria can also carry viruses like the common flu, or...