NJ Sullivan

A freelance writer & radio announcer with a general love for the bizarre, the weird and the unique.
  • Woman burns feet on sidewalk, suffers 2nd degree burns

    While most of Eastern Canada is dealing with ridiculously cold temperatures this summer, the heat wave in Texas is so severe one woman suffered second degree burns on her feet even though she was wearing leather sandals. Rebecca Friensen decided the scorching 108f temperature (about 42celcius) wouldn’t keep her...
  • Angry man takes the no-return policy to a new level

    Some people take their disputes to the courts. Others take it into their own hands and sometimes using those hands to drive their “lemon” of a used car into other cars on the lot. That’s what 42-year old Davis Cross did with the van he bought from Portsmouth Used...
  • Cannibalism exists in North Korea

    More bad press for North Korea…. Seems Cannibalism is indeed practiced, not on a regular basis but because there is such a shortage of food in certain areas. A 791-page document is in the hands of the Caleb Mission in South Korea and it describes 721 different criminal cases...
  • Man arrested for posting fake sex ads for his ex, BUSTED

    Want to get back at your ex? Posting a fake sex ad online might seem like a good idea at the time but will have it’s consequences. American Jason Eric Leonard has learned the hard way, posting ads for sex on behalf of your unknowing ex-girlfriend will get you...
  • Motorcyclist hits minivan, lands in backseat

    People who watched a motorcyclist rear-end a van in Victorville, California were thinking the worst when they couldn’t find the driver anywhere near his crashed bike. No one guessed he was inside the van he hit. It’s an accident police are calling a “non-injury collision with a twist.” The...
  • Kitchen planking disaster, FAIL

    You’ve all been told before – planking is dangerous. But does anyone listen? Of course not, nobody cares. But the global fad of trying to make your body as flat as a plank of wood in bizarre places is just not going away, no matter how many people die...
  • Reasearchers find medieval armour more tiring than weighted backpack

    Researchers at University of Leeds (UK) have determined that wearing a medieval suit of armor makes your more tired then wearing the same amount of weight in a back pack. Study participants were fitted with sensors before they put on a suit of armor, oxygen mask then walked and...
  • Bride arrested on wedding day, then misses court date

    Putting new meaning into the phrase ‘runaway bride’ a 53-year old Michigan woman was arrested on her wedding day for identity theft. And now she’s on the run again. Police debated arresting her on her big day but since this was the first solid tip they received on the...
  • Son kills mother because he doesn’t want to play Yahtzee

    As the mother of a 2-year old who is equal parts brilliant, sweet and demanding, I find this story utterly disturbing. Add to this the fact I’m constantly reading stories from experts who say we’re ruining our kids by doing too much for them and creating monsters as adults....