
  • Justin Bieber Puking Gets Animated

    Pretty much everyone in the world knows that pop sensation Justin Bieber threw up on stage during a concert in Arizona. He blames milk. Skeptics like to think the good boy was loaded drunk. Whatever the reason, he puked and now thanks to our friends at Taiwan’s NMA TV,...
  • Gorburger: The Future Of Talk Shows?

    From the head of actor / comedian T.J. Miller comes one of the most hilariously bizarre, totally whacked out YouTube series every created. Pretty much hands down. It’s one of those pieces of pop culture style art that makes you go “WTF?????” For real.  And the comments of people...
  • Mom Gets Fine For Letting Toddler Pee In Street

    Potty training your toddler puts a lot of pressure on the parent. When you hear those words, “I got to PEEEEEE,” from the mouth of your offspring you know that means NOW because they’re just getting used to those warning signs building in their bodies. And usually that now...
  • Woman Finds Out She Married Her Father 6-Years After His Death

    In something that sounds like it came straight from the scripts of soap operas and movies, a 60-year old woman in Ohio found out her late husband was actually her father. This news came to her six years after his death and she’s been in therapy to deal with...
  • Cows Get Their Own Pageant In China

    A pageant for cows? Hey, why not? They’re big and give us milk and food. Why not praise the bovine in a beauty pageant of sorts. I mean, there’s pageants for dogs and cats, even horses get praised. Let’s not forget that four legged milk bearer, the sacred cow....
  • Man Fakes Death as Part of Wedding Proposal

    People go to great lengths when planning their wedding proposals. There’s been flash mobs, movies made and plans pulling signs across the sky, all with the desire to be the most romantic wedding proposal of all time. However, 30-year old Alexey Byko, had a different object when he hired...
  • Louisianna School Offends with “White Graduates Only” Reunion

    I guess the organizers of the class reunion at St. Martinville Senior High missed the memo that racism is no longer tolerated. For this year’s event, invitations were sent out to class alumni marking their big homecoming event and reunion after with a stipulation at the bottom, “White Graduates...
  • Noiseless karaoke available now for those who can’t sing

    Music is the language of but unfortunately not everyone communicates in key. For those unfortunate few who like to sing but are constantly yelled at to shut the hell up, there’s the Noiseless KaraOK for iPhone or iPad. A muzzle shaped device (which looks like a toilet bowl plunger...
  • Artist Turns Dead Cat Into Flying Machine As Tribute

    Look up… in the sky… is it a bird? No, a plane? No, it’s … a cat… and it’s a part of the Kunstrai art festival in Amsterdam. Orville, named after the famous aviator Orville Wright, was turned into a helicopter by his owner, artist Bert Jensen, after being run...