
  • Man arrested after hiring strippers for son’s wedding

    From funerals to weddings, strippers are becoming the in thing in China. So when an entertainment company showed Zhang Cheng, from Xuzhou in eastern Jiangsu province, what adding a couple of strippers to the live band could do to enhance a party, he thought it was a great addition...
  • Women makes up 20 kids for tax return, gives all of them the same birthday

    If you’re going to lie on your taxes so that you can get a big refund, you would be well advised to keep the lies believable. Or better yet don’t lie at all and pay them in time unless you want to spend your twilight years working your butt...
  • “Liking” something in Thailand could get you arrested

    Thailand has brought its infamous lèse-majesté law up-to-date, by expanding its scope to cover the “liking” of status updates or groups on Facebook. In Thailand a few years back, partying it up at a bar in Bangkok, my friend quickly corrected me when I handed a bill to the...
  • Man sits on office chair with leaf blower, bad idea

    It’s something you would expect a kid to try. Those daredevil kids who think they are invincible, trying to show off for their friends, not an adult who should know better. Why this idea even came to Tad Sieber and Mike Brubaker we will never know. Perhaps they were...
  • Man calls 911 because his iPhone won’t work

    We all get a bit upset when our cell phone won’t work but it is never wise to call the 911 dispatch for your problem. Yes, someone will listen to your complaints until they get your address but they won’t be able to fix your phone and it’s a...
  • Women texts from wedding altar

    Weddings are magical. For the bride especially, your wedding day is the biggest day of your life. So of course you have to text about it. Even if you’re at the altar. You can still be classy as you pull your celly from the bodice of your dress. Paying...
  • Scrabble player wants opponent strip-searched

    It’s nail-biting tension in the world of competitive scrabble playing. High stake prizes and strip searches of opponents. Who knew building words could be like this? This year’s World Scrabble Championship is the stage for the latest in board game drama. Tempers were boiling when the coveted “g” went...
  • Man feared eaten by cannibals while yachting around the world

    It’s the stuff horror movies are made of. A German economist, traveling around the world in a yacht, maybe the victim of cannibals on the remote French Polynesian island of Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas. When I say victim I unfortunately mean feast. Stefan Ramin, 40, was taking the...
  • Surfer claims he rode a great white shark

    It sounds like a story granddad tells you but instead of walking miles and miles to get to school it’s using the back of a great white shark as a surfboard. But it’s the story of American Doug Niblack and he’s sticking to it. Niblack says he was surfing...