A Russian college teacher in Tyumen, Siberia killed a house guest when a discussion on the fighting abilities of Mike Tyson and Ukraine’s Klitschko brothers got ugly. Nikolai Makeyev was enjoying drinks with two friends when the argument started. According to the regional investigating committee: Makeyev said that Tyson...
Miraculously, a man in Turkey has survived being hit by a metal shed weighing nearly a tonne. A freakishly strong gust of wind picked up the metal shed and sent it flying across a highway. The man was walking across as the shed smashed into him and the back...
Details are sketchy about an incident that saw a man in a San Francisco porno store catch fire while he was enjoying some videos. Firefighters say that the man had been watching videos in a private booth. He was spotted by police running out of the front door of...
In the world of the stupid criminal an American man has learned leaving a t-shirt with your face on it in the house you just robbed is a sure fire way to get caught. Jonathan Huntley and an unnamed suspect broke into a home on March 29th where they...
A 57-year-old physics professor by the name of Xie Guanghai has turned his back on science and decided to make a name for himself doing push-ups on knife blades. The reason why Xie doesn’t get cut from the 4,000 or so push-ups he does each day is that his...
With the launch of the FBI Vault website, came the bizarre release of a 1950 document that seems to attest to the existence of the famous Roswell aliens and their flying saucers. About the saucers themselves, agent Hottel wrote in the memo that :”‘Each one was occupied by three...
Mark Malkoff took to the streets of New York in a big wheel to race the city’s famously slow buses. To keep things legal (riding bicycles on sidewalks is against the law in NYC) Mark rode his big wheel through traffic....
Samantha Ardente found employment nine years ago at a school near Quebec City as an administrator. Secretly, however, she was also employed as an adult actress, and kept this job under wraps until it was outed by a 14-year-old student. Reportedly, the boy asked Ardente for her autograph after...
On a scale of 1-10 I rate my bravery around level around a 6. I don’t care for roller coasters and I’m not going to take a bullet for a president or other person of merit – but I don’t flinch at earthquakes and handle extreme turbulence with ease....