A 53-year old British man, living in Middlebury (outside of Bristol) received minor injuries after crashing his motorized bar stool. *double take* Yes, a motorized bar stool. The man, James Kleckner, was taking the stool with a small engine attached on a little jaunt around the block when it...
Nothing can stop a toddler when they get something in their head. Nothing at all. Determination gleams in their eye and motivation fills their crooked little smiles. If you need proof of this, ask the mother of Noah Joel. The 2-year old German toddler took off on his little...
Two Pennsylvanian teenagers are lucky to be alive today after they fell asleep while sunbathing on a rural Pennsylvania road and were struck by a car… driven by one of their brothers. The Beaver County Police Department explained that Samantha Schermanhorn and Kaylie George were airlifted to hospital. According...
While the man suffering from the prolonged erection may not enjoy his new found condition, I hear his wife has had the best two years of her life. Hiyo! Henry Wolf, a 52-year-old motorcycle enthusiast from California, enjoyed a four hour ride on his 1993 BMW motorcycle back in...
If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, then heaven, hell and all points in between hath no fury like a female dentist scorned who happens to exact revenge on her ex-boyfriend during a routine dental appointment. Why someone would go see their ex-girlfriend of a dentist who...
Michael L. Deel and his wife Michelle were attending a gun safety class in their hometown of Roanoke, Va. when the unthinkable happened. Shortly after the instructor had momentarily stepped out of the classroom, Deel’s .45-caliber handgun accidentally discharged, sending the bullet through his hand and into his wife’s...
Granted that headline may be a tad misleading, but in a nutshell that’s exactly what happened to 47-year-old Deborah Stevens, proving that no good deed goes unpunished. Or something. Stevens was employed at Atlantic Automotive Group in New York for more than a year before she decided to leave...
When it was time for 34-year old Tonya McDowell to enroll her son in elementary school she was homeless. The Connecticut woman was primarily living in a van, spending some nights in a woman’s shelter in Norwalk and other couch surfing at a friend’s in Bridgeport. As she had...
The 1,300 employees of London-based Aviva Investors had a rude shock when they checked their email on Friday: every single one of them had been fired – unsympathetically, might I add. The mail, which the HR department intended to send to only one recipient, read as follows: “I am...