
  • Man commits suicide by jumping in vat of whiskey

    It’s always sad to hear of someone taking his own life but as suicides go, jumping in a vat of the world’s best single malt whiskey might be one of the best ways to go. This is what 46-year old Brian Ettles did at the Glenfiddich Distillery, where he...
  • Russian baby disappears in sewer when pavement collapses

    It’s a parent’s worst nightmare and the stuff horror movies are made of. A Russian baby is lost in the sewers in the town of Bryansk, 378 km (235 miles) south-west of Moscow, when the road beneath him and his mother completely gave away. One year old Kirill was...
  • “Killer” elevator takes woman’s life in New York city

    An elevator malfunction, worth of a cheezy horror movie plot, has taken the life of Suzanne Hart, 41, an employee with advertising agency Y&R who are tenants in the 1920s building on Madison avenue. Witnesses and reports from paramedics suggest that she was crushed between the elevator shaft entrance ceiling...
  • Renters reply to Craigslist ad, find man dead

    When Matei Craciun and Daniel Anca responded to a Craigslist ad for a room for rent, they expected to view a place to live. What they didn’t expect to find was the renter dead or his four year old son answering the door saying his father wouldn’t wake up....
  • Man murders wife for damaging Star Wars collection

    A Star Wars fan will spend at least the next 12 years in jail after a court sentenced him to jail for life for killing his wife – for smashing his collection of Star Wars memorabilia. The court heard that 30-year-old Rickie La-Touche, formerly known as Rickie Nehls of...
  • Teen accidently hung at haunted house

    It’s a real life Halloween horror in St. Louis after a 17-year old girl was found hanging inside a haunted house the Thursday before Halloween. The unnamed girl wasn’t a patron of the Creepyworld Haunted House but a staff member hired as an actor to scare those who dare...
  • Japanese toddler starves to death, dad says his cat is more important

    This makes me sick. My stomach is literally in knots right now. A Japanese man’s child – 2 years and 10 months old – has starved to death. Autopsy found pieces of paper, cat liter, diaper and plastic in his mouth leading officials to believe he had gone into...
  • Cannibalism exists in North Korea

    More bad press for North Korea…. Seems Cannibalism is indeed practiced, not on a regular basis but because there is such a shortage of food in certain areas. A 791-page document is in the hands of the Caleb Mission in South Korea and it describes 721 different criminal cases...
  • 3-Year Old Treated for Alcoholism in England

    In the world of disgusting parenting, a 3-year old in Britain is being treated for alcoholism. Not alcohol poisoning… alcoholism. Yes, you read right. Sadly at that. According to reports the toddler was regularly given alcohol and thus became addicted to the drug, which is one of the world’s...