Nintendo continue to innovate with their newest console. Their innovation this time? Glassless 3D: an effect so intense it causes dizziness and nausea in most people who try it. The result? It’s being reported that many Japanese gamers are returning their 3DS units after experiencing bouts of dizziness playing...
With all the hullabaloo about the end-of world doom-sayers for 2012, all the theories, planet Nibiru, the Elenin comet, the economic and ecological self-destruction of our society, the ascent to power of the third Reich (or fourth, I lost count), “another” federal election in Canada to be immediately followed by “another” provincial...
In what purists might consider an insightful move, but most other people will frown upon, Candy Dynamics, the company that manufactures this Toxic Waste gum, has included lead in the candy. This is real lead. The actual toxic kind of lead you’re not even allowed to have in your...
Why did he sit it out? When asked TWICE, he replied he wasn’t feeling lucky. I guess he really wasn’t lucky! His seven work pals were in the pool and won a collective 319M$ cutting him out of a potential 16M$ pot, after taxes. They all worked for the...
Why? Well, scientists wanted to demonstrate how space weather impacts on satellites. The balls were meant to simulate the stream of electron radiation onto the delicate spacecraft. The event that happened at the Utah State University Romney Football Stadium parking lot, Thursday afternoon, drew in thousands of spectators. Initial plans...
Following up on yesterday’s article, that I ended by stating that the best way to ensure an alien invasion is to shoot down UFOs on sight, I want to point out that we are not the most peaceful people humans. Really we aren’t, we’ve achieved wars over such petty...
In a remarkable move, scientists in Iran, a country more renowned for being unwilling participants in Hollywood blockbusters, than for their technological program, have announced that they’ve built a fully functional aircraft they call a flying saucer. They claim it is designed to carry reconnaissance, aerial imagery and other...
This morning, in my area, the moon hung low, like a testicle. Also low is the residual buzz from the whole Supermoon excitement, after all, according to a leading ASTROLOGER, Richard Nolle, “the Earth was supposed to split in half, and apocalyptically be-swallow us whole!” (For more effect, use...
Since last week we showed you how thieves could hack into your car to disable some security systems, this week, we’re following up with how thieves can now steal your credit card information right out of your back-pocket or purse. (or man-purse if you choose to go that way)...