
  • Butt Implant FAIL

    Been thinking about getting those butt implants to make your derriere that much more booty-licious? You might not want them after watching this video. Apparently, they can go wrong as this unnamed woman shows how one of her’s flips around backwards and she has to flip it back the...
  • Man Arrested With 200 Diamonds In His Stomach

    People will do anything to get themselves out of poverty. Even if it includes swallowing 220 diamonds and attempting to smuggle them out of the country… at least this is my educated guess as to why a 25-year old South African man swallowed 220 polished diamonds and tried to...
  • Man Gets Intimate With A Donkey, Calls Laws Against It Backward

    Looking at the smiling mug shot of 31-year old Carlos Romero you might think he’s a nice looking young man. And who’s to say he isn’t nice. One thing the picture won’t tell you is he likes having sex with horses and donkeys. It also won’t tell you that...
  • Driving On Sidewalk

    Woman Ordered To Wear “Idiot” Sign For Driving On Sidewalk

    This is perhaps one of the best rulings to ever come out of traffic court. A 32-year old woman in Ohio (US) has been ordered to wear a sign that says,”Only an idiot drives on the sidewalk to avoid stopping for a school bus” on the corner of a...
  • Brazilian Man Walks To His Own Burial

    When Gilberto Araujo showed up to the grave side to watch the casket go into the ground some mourners screamed, others fainted and a few fled. They thought the man in the casket was the car washer from northeastern Brazil. “Guys, I’m alive. Pinch me,” the man told the...
  • California Woman Breast Feeds Dog

    A 44-year old American mother of two children says she breastfeeds her dog because she can and it makes her feel like a better mom. I say, “WTF?????” According to an article published in a UK magazine, Terri Graham says she was pretty much devastated when she couldn’t breast...
  • Teen Has Stomach Removed After Drinking Cocktail With Liquid Nitrogen

    Next time you are tempted to order the latest craze in luxury cocktails, make sure you ask about the ingredients, all the ingredients. And if there’s liquid nitrogen in it you might want to go for something else. An 18-year old girl in Lancashire, England had her stomach removed...
  • Sheep With Upside Down Head – Real or Not?

    You’ve heard of the two-headed sheep but a sheep born with an upside down head? UK Farmer Allan McNamara, who owns the unique wool making beast, says it’s definitely the real deal. After it’s birth, McNamara took the sheep to the vet to make sure it wasn’t in pain...
  • Bully Calls News Anchor “Fat,” She Calls Him Out On TV

    Anyone in the media knows what it’s like to be criticized by audience member who does not like something you did or said. But to be criticized on how you look and told you’ve got a “community responsibility” to loose weight, well, that is simply another story. This is...