• New tribe discovered in Brazil’s Rain Forest

    Wonders of the world never cease to amazing me… get this… a new tribe of people who’ve never been exposed to the outside world has been discovered in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest. The discovery came from the government’s Indian Affairs Department, FUNAI. Pics from planes flying over the Javari Valley...
  • ohgodmyeyes

    Hypocrisy fail: US Air allows drag queen to fly days after grounding student with baggy pants

    With no apparent commitment to a concrete dress code, US Air drew stiff criticism for booting a University of New Mexico football player from a flight in San Francisco for refusing to hike up his baggy pants.  Just days later, passengers on another US Air flight were stunned to...
  • Man lives with 186-pound tumor

    A 31-year old Vietnamese man is setting records in ways not many would envy. He’s living with a 186-pound tumor, wider than 3 feet, that has been growing from Nguyen Duy Hai’s right leg since he was an infant. In 1997 doctors amputated at his knee but it didn’t...
  • Drunk man caught while trying to perform surgery on dog, BUSTED

    A Chicago man who tried to operate on his dog while drunk has been charged with one count of animal cruelty. Stewart Gibbs, 44, was found red handed (literally covered in blood) when police showed up at his apartment after receiving a tip about him. Obviously wasted, Gibbs told...
  • Best. PSA. EVER!

    What do you get when you mix Ken Jeong (from The Hangover) , Stayin Alive, Saturday Night Fever inspired clothing, charades, a couple of young women in tight t-shirts and a heart attack victim? If you answered the best PSA EVER, click the play button below for your reward....
  • fingerwart

    Good Idea: Wart removal, Bad Idea: With a shotgun.

    Sean Murphy of England is without a finger today thanks to his original home-crafted wart cure: The barrel of a 12-gauge shotgun. The wart on his left middle finger wouldn’t go away despite doctors and creams, so he did a little drinking, a little thinking, and settled on the...
  • Vancouver rioter catches a flashbang with his testicles

    I can understand how the Canucks losing to the Bruins in the Stanley Cup finals might upset a lot of people – pride was hurt, the southerners and their deep pockets won – it was a bad day to be a Canucks fan… but how that translates into wanting...
  • Man has entire house stolen

    Jeffrey LaForest a 43 year old Southgate Ontario man was charged with stealing a house. An entire house. Yep. The whole thing. Granted it was a mobile home, still. That has got to be a record of some kind. The largest unmoveable object to be stolen. He was also charged...
  • Family comes home to find front lawn missing, possibly stolen

    Everything seemed normal when Denise Thompson and her four children returned to their Edmonton, Alberta home Sunday night. That was until she opened her front blinds. “Oh my God,” she thought. “Where is my grass?” Yes, her beautiful green, grassy front lawn was gone. Someone had stolen it. Thompson...